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Go beyond looking at the typical 3-5 examples.

If you don't know what's possible for any given design project, how do you expect to find what's optimal? can quickly help your team create an interface that is  intuitive  (by uncovering common design patterns that users expect) and innovative (by finding unique design solutions that will delight users).

My recommendations have been implemented and interacted with by over

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John Coker's Research & Recommendations have been

Trusted by Great:

Brad Barnhart
Great work! There are a million users who are going to love it too. 2.5 million per year.
Brad Barnhart
Manager of Design UI & UX
He Works With “Lumen”
Dane Folster
John, I've been inspired with your obsession of CX and willingness to advocate for our customers. You're commitment and work to finding and fixing our customer pain points has served as great motivation and pride for me and our team.
Dane Folster
Vice President of Digital Experience
He Works With “Lumen”
Dennis Warner
Sweeeeeeeet! Love it! Those are awesome examples! Thanks a ton for the great inspiration. I know this will help in solutioning. Thanks for your hard work!
Dennis Warner
Product Strategist, Experience Design Leader, Agile Practitioner
He Works With “Lumen”
Dyani Galligan
John, thank you for being a dogged advocate for our customers. Your insight & dedication make CenturyLink SO much stronger for our customers.
Dyani Galligan
Senior Director - Digital Enablement
She Works With “Lumen”
Jeff Carpenter
John, Great job on the research project AND the professional way you presented the info. You were able to answer any question they threw at you! People respected your opinion and even wanted to plagiarize your work! The rewards of being seen as an expert are only achieved by doing all the hard work you did and being ultimately creating all that supporting data.
Jeff Carpenter
Director of Design UI & UX
He Works With “Lumen”
Amy Raymer
You are the bomb! Thank you!
Amy Raymer
Senior Lead UX Designer
She Work With “Lumen”
Shruti Meshram
Danke Danke! That was exactly what I was looking for. You are the G.O.A.T!
Shruti Meshram
Shruti Meshram
She Work With “Lumen”
Jason Kallas
I'm super impressed with the research and breadth of inspiration. Nice work!
Jason Kallas
UX Designer
He Work With “Lumen”
Tara Robinson
Thank you for taking the guessing out of things for us!
Tara Robinson
Senior Manager of Customer Experience
She Work With “Lumen”
Rebecca Snody
SOOOO impressed with your call. Everyone is really revved up. AND the [team] stopped fighting. Can't wait to see the next results!
Rebecca Snody
Manager of Digital Engagement & Support
She Work With “Lumen”

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